
Seasonal Abundance

Seasonal Abundance

Tis the season of every bowl, basket, pot and pan being filled with all sorts of fresh blooms and leaves! July on the Herb Farm has been busy with so...

Seasonal Abundance

Tis the season of every bowl, basket, pot and pan being filled with all sorts of fresh blooms and leaves! July on the Herb Farm has been busy with so...

Vancouver Island Herb Gathering

Vancouver Island Herb Gathering

Another Herb Gathering has come and gone, and with it a forging of new teachings, connections and a deeper desire to continue to learn with the plants and the people...

Vancouver Island Herb Gathering

Another Herb Gathering has come and gone, and with it a forging of new teachings, connections and a deeper desire to continue to learn with the plants and the people...

If you had told me ten years ago...

If you had told me ten years ago...

If you had told me ten years ago... When I had first begun my journey into Permaculture and Herbalism, that I'd be living off-grid in a wild mountainous valley, growing...

If you had told me ten years ago...

If you had told me ten years ago... When I had first begun my journey into Permaculture and Herbalism, that I'd be living off-grid in a wild mountainous valley, growing...

Everyday is Earth Day

Everyday is Earth Day

  In my off-grid Herb Farm world, everyday is Earth Day. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t make an effort to immerse myself in the wild...

Everyday is Earth Day

  In my off-grid Herb Farm world, everyday is Earth Day. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t make an effort to immerse myself in the wild...

The unfurling of Spring

The unfurling of Spring

The unfurling has begun. You can see it on the new leaf of a Thimbleberry bush, in the still forming bud of Elderflower, and in the splashes of green on the...

The unfurling of Spring

The unfurling has begun. You can see it on the new leaf of a Thimbleberry bush, in the still forming bud of Elderflower, and in the splashes of green on the...

Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing

There’s not many things in this world better than a evening in an off-grid, fire heated bathtub outside among the Red Cedars and Douglas Firs, truly taking the term ‘forest...

Forest Bathing

There’s not many things in this world better than a evening in an off-grid, fire heated bathtub outside among the Red Cedars and Douglas Firs, truly taking the term ‘forest...