If you had told me ten years ago...

If you had told me ten years ago...

If you had told me ten years ago...

When I had first begun my journey into Permaculture and Herbalism, that I'd be living off-grid in a wild mountainous valley, growing my own food and medicine while somehow making an honest living out of crafting and creating homegrown & gathered herbal offerings?

I probably wouldn't have believed you, but would have wanted to. Sounds like a dream come true!

Some innocent part of me always knew living this kind of life was possible, and that if I learned enough, worked hard enough, and shed enough layers of cultural conditioning, imposter syndrome, and self-worth wounding, a better, newer, truer way would appear. And it has, or at least is starting to.

At the heart of all my efforts over the years, is an honest desire to return to the land and learn with Mother Nature in ways my recent ancestors didn't, couldn't, or wouldn't, but many of my more ancient ones did. It's like the deep pull towards the wild, the untethered, the sovereign call of freedom towards a home we've always known.

I'll admit its much easier than ever to remain connected to the ever-giving energy wires of a human controlled civilization, eating processed prepared foods, working meaningless jobs, and being stuck in a repetitive and harmful consumerist cycle of spending and debt. All these things I still unfortunatley play a part in as well.

But what keeps me here and dedicated to the Herb Farm life many years later is the same as it was a decade ago, my commitment to living a simpler, healthier, happier, more meaningful and connected life, closer to the Earth as a form of healing, and it is as strong as ever.

All this to say, if I can do this, so can you, but your own version of "this." You know that calling in your bones, that desire in your soul, the beat in your heart, please listen to that. Let go of what your limiting culture may have told you is possible, ANYthing is possible, especially the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

I encourage you to step bravely into whatever is calling you in these times. Trust firmly in the ground beneath your feet and take the leap.

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