The unfurling of Spring

The unfurling of Spring

The unfurling has begun…

You can see it on the new leaf of a Thimbleberry bush, in the still forming bud of Elderflower, and in the splashes of green on the deciduous trees like Alder, Maple, and Cottonwood, that surround our Herb Farm.

With the annual emergence of what many call ‘leaf out,’ Spring is certainly here in Squamish Valley. I can feel it in the longer visits each day from the sun, the occasional slight warmth to the breeze, and the return of many of our beloved birds and bees.

We can know it as that slow but steady rush of inspiration and imagination, or the sudden birth of a new idea, that pushes forth from some unseen place within us, begging for some unique expression, to create or act out in this external world somehow.

However you experience this moment, this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries that just passed, it’s only important that you do, being as present as possible with the beauty of Earth and Sky, and the cyclical majesty of Mother Nature, unfolding before our very eyes.

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