Nature has always been my playground...
I can remember a younger version of myself feeling wildest when roaming alone through the trees in the yard of my childhood home, or making secret nature forts in the neighbouring forests still left untouched between the boundaries humans created for themselves in the name of “development.”
We all know the feeling, when we enter a forest or natural space and something fundamental changes within us, something uncovered, a mystery that is being revealed.
The world of modernity never fascinated me the way a beauty of a sunset or the resilience of a tree could. My wild soul has always recognized itself in the mirror of the natural world, one that reflected a truth and connection I’ve never found anywhere else, and helped me to see beyond the narrow conditioned perspective of separation that was offered to me by my wounded culture.
The edge of the wild, where chaos meets civilization is where I’ve always felt most at home. I feel most free in nature, where wild things roam and “chaos” is the womb of all creation, the original birthplace of connection.
While continuing to deeply love living this idyllic yet challenging off-grid life on the edge of the wilderness, I can’t help but want to go further, to disentangle myself even more from the shackles of this extractive mindset I was born into and continue participating only in creations that weave healing and gratitude back into the web of life, of which we all are a part, and each of us has a responsibility to tend.
Have you been outside today? May I recommend you go have a peek into the mirror of nature and remember who you are.