Feeling deeply nourished this Yule season and have been sinking into the sacred stillness of these moments in between worlds. The days between Winter Solstice and the start of the New Year are a time-out-of-time in our culture, a liminal space where you aren’t quite done with the previous year, but the new cycle has yet to begin.
The invitation these days is to be in a state of meditative awareness, to let go of all the hustle, busyness and planning, to open your perception and look closely at the story inherent in each day, bringing your intention towards what you would like to create, yet also being open to whatever intuitively comes through to you.
One sure way to become receptive to these omens is to go for a walk in Nature everyday. Spend time with the waters, sit with the trees, hold a rock or some soil in your hands, or observe the beauty of animals in the wild. Be open to learn and willing to listen.
As a new day begins to dawn in another new year of living embodied upon this beautiful Earth, may we listen ever deeper to our own inner voice, the voice of nature and the wise words of all who came before.
"Little by little, as you left their voices behind, the stars began to burn through the sheets of clouds, and there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as you own. This voice kept you company as you strode deeper and deeper into the world, determined to do the only thing you could do, determined to save the only life you could save."
~ Mary Oliver
As the Earth around us deeply exhales, and begins its long Winter sleep, we are invited to turn ever deeper inward, to reflect upon the seasons that have gone, and to tend and feed the fire in our hearts and hearths with the promise of brighter days yet to come.
We're so looking forward to all the newness this year has in store for our little off-grid Herb Farm and creating even more opportunities to bring these homegrown healing herbals deeper into your life.